June 18, 2011

Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision

Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision –  Page 1
Dear Reader:
This book of testimonies is for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is for that purpose only that I write it.   It was in the month of March, 1945, one morning about 3:00 A.M. that our Lord Jesus Christ gave me a vision.

This He has done many times and I most humbly praise Him for it.  At the beginning of this vision, seemingly, I was walking northeast on a road when the Spirit turned me and pointed me toward the west. I was facing a great mountain. It seemed to be the mountain of the Lord! It had a towering, high church steeple on the top of it. I was then asked to go west toward the mountain. I entered the mountain through a door and on the inside I was met by a woman who had on a garment that might have been snow white at one time. Now the garment was very soiled. She asked me if I was Bro. Billy Branham and I replied, “I am.” She then introduced herself as Mrs. Methodist.

I asked her why the spots on that lovely white garment. She replied, “I have been so busy.” I then said to her, “That’s right; you Methodists have so many organizations and societies in your church, you haven’t had much time for the Lord.” Then she said, “I was told that you were being sent to me. Maybe I should awaken my husband!” Then she disappeared.

Looking to my left, I saw a small heap of smooth-baked bread. There were white fowls standing near it, but they would not eat much of it. Then the Lord said to me, “Do you know them?” I No.”  Then He said, “That is your Tabernacle and they won’t eat the bread of life anymore. I am sending you this way.” Then I journeyed on westward. I was then brought to a plain where a platform was erected. Seemingly, it was under a large tent or auditorium. There were curtains drawn in back of the platform. The Lord then told me to pull back the curtains and when I did I saw a great mountain of the bread of life. He then said, “Feed these,” and turning around I saw white-robed people coming from everywhere, making up a large audience.

The following night, after the vision was over, I explained it to my church just as the Lord had given it to me. Now all this may seem strange to you, dear reader, but have you not read in the scriptures how He said that in the last days your young men shall see visions? Acts 2:17.


«  419       †          I feel like Isaiah, in the temple that day, when he saw the Angels flying back-and-forth, with wings over Their faces, and over Their feet, and flying with wings, “Holy, holy, holy!” Oh, how that young prophet was shook. He begin to age up a bit. And when he seen that, though he had seen visions, he screamed out, “Woe is me!”

420    Father, maybe I felt somewhat like that, when I seen those Angels the other night, or the other morning, rather. Woe is me, for I’m a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among unclean people. And, Father, clean me.

421    And here am I. Send me, Lord, whatever it is. And I stand at this pulpit where I been for thirty years. If there’s something, Lord, You want me to do, here I am. I’m ready, Lord. But, may I find grace in Your sight. Humbly, I pray.

422    I pray for the little flock that the Holy Spirit has made me overseer of, to feed them. And I’ve done all I know how to do, Lord, to feed them on the Bread of Life. As in that vision, many years ago, where that big curtain laid in the West, and a mountain of the Bread of Life; the little book, “I Was Not Disobedient To The Heavenly Vision.” And here it all comes to pass, revealed right in our face.

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